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  1. Alvin777

    Tips to Make Windows Wake Up From Sleep as 100% Reliable as Possible?

    Hello Windows and Mac friends. Sleep is needed today to save energy and save the bearing in the fans but sometimes it won't wakeup. What tips in settings is best, in the BIOS and in Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro (I'm on Windows 11 Pro). I've turned On 'Turn Off Display' but I've Turned Off...
  2. kathmandu04akit

    Photo Upscaling Warning Retina & 4K (aka upsampling)

    The following Mac Apps (Photos,Preview,Safari,Mail) are trashing display of image files on (at least) MBP's w/Retina display including when clamshell ported via HDMI to 4k display using monitor at SysPref display default scaling. Same trouble happening on a friends newer MBP w/Retina Display...