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  1. D

    Upgrade to OS X 10.10.5

    Hello everyone, I hope you can help me. I'm running OS X 10.7.5 and I forgot to upgrade/update for a long time. As I'm using Logic 9 I'd like to upgrade to 10.10.5 which is the latest OS X that Logic 9 supports. To be clear, I'm looking to upgrade not to do a clean install. The 10.10.5 upgrade...
  2. CharlieJames91

    How to edit login items via Terminal

    Hi. Is there an easy terminal command to place applications in the users login items specifically for 10.10/10.11 I did have a post on this yesterday but it was mis-understood, all I need to know ia if there is an easy terminal command to place apps in the login items. I'm not great with...
  3. JonHob68

    InstallerS (Not Responding)

    Hi Every time I turn on or wake my iMac it runs VERY slow. When I went in to the Activity Monitor I found InstallerS was using 39GB of my memory and other than clicking on it and forcing to end the process, I cannot get rid of it. It is the same when I restart my iMac. Any ideas?