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  1. D

    Unofficial MacPorts 10.5 binary repo

    EDIT: I am running an unofficial Macports repo for 10.5 Leopard. This means you can install a subset of Leopard packages via Macports with zero compilation time. While not even close to every port is included (there are over 30,000 available via Macports), I've focused on big ticket items...
  2. Sickminecraft45

    Power Mac G5 help!

    Hi, I need help with my Power Mac G5! I tried to make a bootable USB for Leopard but when I go into the boot selector, the drive doesn't come up, when I try to launch the installer from Mac OS X, it just reboots into the OS, and when I try to boot into it from open firmware, it just shows the...
  3. Sickminecraft45

    Burning disbaled

    Hi, I have a Power Mac G5 running Mac OS X 10.3.0. I have installed a DVD RW drive that supports burning and reading dual-layer DVDs as the original one only can read burned dual-layer DVDs but when I installed the new one the burning option was disabled in disk utility and the system profiler...
  4. Z

    Sorbet Leopard - Your Power Mac Unleashed

    Introduction (Read in Tim Cook's voice) It's safe to say that a great many users in the PowerPC community (used to) rely on Mac OS X Leopard regularly and leverage its useful features just as often. However, there are certain elements laced throughout the default user experience that have...
  5. J

    What is the best PowerPC Mac that matches these requirements?

    What is the best PowerPC Mac that: Is an all-in-one Supports 10.5 (I don't care about 9)
  6. S

    iPad Pro Ipad pro 10.5 restarts after 3 minutes

    I've just got my ipad back from getting a screen replacement. I put it on charge and went to use use and it restarted by its self and then does so after 3ish minutes. I've deleted all my apps and reset the setting and tried a hard reset but nothing worked. It's currently on 13.3.1 but it won't...
  7. marmiteturkey

    iPad Pro Bright spot on iPad Pro 10.5 screen

    I have an approx 1in spot on my iPad Pro screen which is brighter than the rest of the screen - it's unevenly lit. The spot is about 2in above the home button, and although it has soft edges, I'm anal about my gadgets, and the difference in brightness could be described as 'minor', it's clearly...
  8. Josieb1

    Word and Excel on Ipad 10.5 (or larger)

    I have the new Air 2019 10.5. I expected to lose the ability to edit and create documents using word and excel for free. I won’t go Office 365 out of principle. However to my delight I have found that documents that already exist in the cloud (I use Dropbox) and opened in the Word and Excel...
  9. seme332

    iPad Pro iPad Pro 10.5" Battery Issues

    Hey everybody, I have been having issues with my iPad Pros battery lately. The battery just drains very quickly, even when the iPad is not being used at all. Sometimes it would be losing 20-30% of battery overnight. Yesterday I did a clean restore of iOS on the device and set it up as new, no...
  10. Y

    Thoughts on iPad Pro graphics distortion

    I’ve had some issues with my iPad Pro 10.5 recently, where the device will show pixelation and graphics distortion, crashes out of apps extremely frequently, and will occasionally restart while sleeping. I had some issues during iOS 12 beta, had a restore error, and still have frequent app...
  11. Farsider

    Smart Keyboard magnets damaging iPad Pro

    Hi everyone, I have a 10.5” iPad Pro with Apple’s Smart Keyboard purchased Oct 2017. I took the Smart Keyboard off for the first time in a long time and saw some damage to the alluminum where the hinge of the Smart Keyboard connects to the iPad. At first I thought it was a dent on the...
  12. Gandek

    iPad Pro 10.5 (2017) Multi-tasking lag in iOS11 when switching from a game

    I have had a great experience thus far with my 10.5 picking it up months ago back when it was still running iOS 10. I'm not much of a gamer but recently decided to pick some games up from the app store. Whenever I go to the home screen after playing a game the multitasking menu will pause for...
  13. BigBIg5

    How to play YouTube in HD on iMac G5 20" iSight

    I have an Mac G5 20" iSight with Leopard installed. How can I play YouTube in HD like 720p?
  14. BigBIg5

    Which ver. of Leopard 10.5.X retail will install on iMac G5 20" iSight?

    I want to upgrade a iMac G5 20" iSight to Mac OS X Leopard, but I don't know if all the retail versions will work? Also, where is the best place to find cheap Mac OS X retail DVDs?
  15. amagichnich

    Install OS X via Terminal

    Hey folks, I'm away from my home setup for a while but upgraded my new 12" 1.33 iBook to a SSD. Problem now is that I have no FW drive around, no USB stick and the DVD drive isn't working :D The only thing I have is a BlackBook, a 10.5 dmg and a FW cable. So I thought it should be possible to...
  16. macduke

    iPad Pro 10.5" charging port broken / bad support

    This is a bit of a rant about crappy Apple service, and also a warning to watch out for this issue. I noticed that my 10.5" wasn't charging properly the night before I was going on a trip to a town that has an Apple Store. It got worse over the course of my trying to troubleshoot it for an...
  17. AmazingHenry

    iMac G4 Leopard Installation

    So, as you may know, I sold all my PPC Macs but one, my iMac G4 700MHz. It was running Tiger, but after I heard the LeoRebirth dock issue would soon be fixed, I decided to upgrade to Leopard. The way I used to do this was to boot my iBook G4 (which, by Apple's requirements, supported Leopard)...
  18. AmazingHenry

    iCloud no longer working in Mail

    Back to ask a question. My email is an account. Yesterday, I had it working fine in mail with the server addresses Apple provided on their support website. Today, it stopped working and it rejects my password. Two-factor authentication is off on my account? Anyone have a fix? Thanks...
  19. KnightFall

    iPad Pro iPad Pro 10.5" Speaker Volume Low

    I have an iPad Pro 10.5". I noticed that the speakers aren't super loud. They seem slightly quieter than my old 9.7 pro. For the 1st 1/3 of the volume meter, its very quiet, almost as if no sound is coming out until 3 or 4 bars. It gets loud in the last 1/3. Also the keyboard clicks aren't very...
  20. J

    Having trouble with iMessage on iOS 11 & my iPad Pro 10.5

    So, I got the new iPad yesterday & instantly installed iOS 11. Mostly everything works great for a beta, just having one main issue. I cannot seem to get my iPad to send messages using my iPhone phone number. Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone have any solutions? I know that there will be...