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  1. P

    iPhone XS Max Upgrade to 12.2 or wait for jailbreak?

    Hello iOS 12.2 has some sweet things like faster and smoother animations and safari quick hits in the search bar. However, I've been on 12.1.2 on my A12 iPhone XS Max for a while now waiting for the jailbreak. What would you guys do in my position?
  2. jtrenthacker

    ATV4 not able to access home share after 12.1.2 update.

    I noticed my ATV4 is not recognizing an available home share after the 12.1.2 update. I have a couple ATV3's that access the home share fine. I've tried all of the typical fixes: Reboot ATV and Mac, signout and sign back in to home share, reboot wireless router, forget wireless network on both...
  3. JessieKid


    hi Posted this on Apple discussion but no love yet so figure I’d try here since I always seem to find answers via google to macrumors anthow. Is this log remotemanagementd log... ...normal on iPhone XS Max 12.1.2? I am prob being paranoid... it’s been super slow for a couple months now and...