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  1. C

    Simple video clips no longer readable; Too much to ask for?

    I bought into the apple eco-system in 80s and 90s because things "just worked". I'm starting to question that loyalty. I finally upgraded to a MBP 14" after nursing a beautiful 2010 13" MBP along. Of course many things don't work anymore. But the most irritating issue so far is as follows...
  2. ZircoBen

    How much 'System Data' does your Mac Have?

    I'm trying to live with my 128GB 2017 MacBook Pro. Every time I have to run a software update I usually have to uninstall programs and delete all my extra files. It's really a pain in the butt; but what's MORE annoying is that macOS uses most of my drive. Is this a lot for 'System Data'...
  3. T

    Monterey 12.3 External Monitor/Display Issue - No Longer Outputting Signal

    After updating my Mac Mini today to 12.3, my monitor now no longer displays an image via USB-C, just keeps saying on no signal on the monitor. I have tried HDMI and same issue. The odd occasion it will display a picture but once I shutdown or restart the mac mini it does not display a picture...
  4. F

    Anyone experiencing no signal output to the external monitor using USB-C after 12.3 upgrade

    I just upgraded to 12.3 OS for my 2019 Macbook Pro 15 inches, and before the upgrade, it worked well with my LG 49 inches monitor by USB-C. However, after the upgrade tonight, it is saying that there is no signal to the monitor by USB-C. I can only use HDMI for the external monitor. Is there...