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  1. M

    MBP or IPP for me?

    My situation is this, I already have a 2019 27in 5k iMac with 40gb of ram that's running its OS off a nvme thunderbolt3 500gb external ssd with 2800mbps read/write speeds that I have velcroed to the back of the stand. I also have a 2012 refurbished 13in MBP that I got in 2013 after I was blacked...
  2. PapaGino

    Normal early 2008 Temps?

    So I got this air from my dads work, pretty sure it was over heating pretty bad always around 90c when on youtube or anything demanding on the 1.86Ghz Core 2 Duo, when resting the temps read 60c. I decided to put on some arctic silver 5 on both the 9400m / Nvidia Chipset and the Core 2 Duo. Now...