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  1. pritchettnick

    New 17" MBP?

    I tried a search already to find any info about this and couldn't find anything. If I missed it I sincerely apologize. Do you guys have any hope that there is going to be a new 17" MBP? If so, what evidence do you have that leads you to believe so?
  2. jsk108

    Resolved MBP 17 2011 Memory upgrade

    Hi guys, I'm having some difficulties of defining which RAM memories are compatible exactly with my MBP 17 2011 early, which is running currently on 2x4GB 1333Ghz DDR3 RAM memory and I want to upgrade it to 2x8 1600Ghz DDR3(l)? I live in Europe and purchasing RAM memories from US will be too...
  3. N

    Early 2011 MBP: hardware upgrade worth it?

    Hi all, I own an early 2011, 17 inch MacBook Pro with stock hardware (2.2 GHz i7, 4 GB RAM and standard hard disk). Since lately it has been getting really slow, I'm thinking of doing a hardware upgrade. More specifically I'm thinking of replacing my hard disk with a Samsung 850 EVO SSD (500...