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  1. Appleuser201

    Still possible to use iMac G3 as daily machine?

    I am wanting to get a 600mhz iMac G3 with 1gb of ram and use it as my daily machine for email, internet (no video watching, no gaming), and word processing. Can I still get by on the internet in 2018 with a G3 iMac running 10.4.11 tiger and TenFourFox as my browser? I am also wondering if anyone...
  2. M

    GFXBench Uninstall Guide

    If you installed GFXBench and GFXBench Metal to test your new system, you might not be aware that it leaves over 1GB of install files behind when you delete it. These are located at: GFXBench GL: /Users/<user_name>/Library/Containers/net.kishonti.osx.GFXBench/Data/Library/Caches/Kishonti...