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  1. M

    Design & Planet Coaster RX 560 or 580?

    Hi, (when saying RX I mean Radeon Pro, sorry!) Does anyone here have experience playing Planet Coaster through Boot Camp on the RX 460? I'm trying to decide to sell my 13 inch MBP (i7 2016 tb) and buy the 15 inch MBP with 560, or keep the 13 inch MBP and buy an iMac with the 580. I'm going to...
  2. S

    MB late 2016 Choppy Animation by resizing window

    Hey, i bought a MB Pro late 2017 with an i7 2,9Ghz and a Radeon Pro 460.. There is a choppy animation if i resize the window of an application (Firefox, Safari, Mail etc). The same problem if i doubleclick the window to maximize the application... I already contacted apple, they told me to...
  3. N

    MBP 2016 15" fan speed/temperature while idle and gaming

    I'd like to know if the 450 is quiter than the 460 I've made some screenshots of temperature (GPU & CPU) and fan speed while idle and while max load (playing GTA V), maybe someone else can compare 2,6 ghz, 450 - while idle Win 10 2,6 ghz, 450 - max load, while gaming Win 10 bootcamp...
  4. zduhac

    2.6/512/460 or 2.7/512/455?

    Ok. I am deciding between these two configurations and I am stuck. I am a somewhat heavy Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign and I've just started learning programming, which I hope will be something I'm gonna do in the future. I barely do any video editing, and I do not see myself doing it in the...
  5. K

    Any benchmarks on the 750m vs the 460?

    I have a 15" rmbp with the dedicated GPU and I am considering upgrading. I am an engineer so I do consider myself a pro user and I need to run a lot of CAD software. the 750m is starting to slow down now. and I cant really render much of anything that is overly complicated. is the 460 that...