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  1. B S Magnet

    Resolved Is there a known USB 802.11ac USB adapter which features PPC drivers?

    This topic comes with an understanding that plenty of 802.11n solutions for PPC systems exist already — both for USB and PCI cards (I use an Edimax 802.11n PCI card with MIMO which works with my Power Mac G5). This topic also comes with an understanding that maximum data potential of the...
  2. musique

    Best Ethernet speed option?

    My 2012 MBP kicked the bucket this summer and I was waiting for the Apple announcements of late October to decide on a replacement. After much soul-searching and intense budget-shuffling, I decided on a 2015 MBP that should arrive tomorrow. (My local Best Buy has the new 2016 MBPs on display and...
  3. keysofanxiety

    15" 2012 cMBP - 802.11ac AirPort Upgrade Available?

    Hi all, Hope you're keeping in good spirits. Does anybody know of a tried & tested aftermarket 802.11ac upgrade available for my 15" 2012 non-Retina MacBook Pro? Preferably from a UK seller for cheaper shipping. I enquired with iFixit though they advised that they don't do one. Pretty...
  4. Mejenborg

    Windows 10 drivers for Broadcom BCM943602CDP

    Hi So I purchased a WiFi 802.11ac & Bluetooth 4.0 LE upgrade kit from Ebay for my Mac Pro 4.1. In OS X it works like a charm! But I need to have windows as well, and even though the installation...