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activity awards

  1. M

    The competition awards are broken after win/lose

    Hey ! I have a trouble from months with my competitions. I don't know where I can help to fix this. I have actually iOS and watchOS but my competition awards didn't get. I should have an award after win or lose but always is the same problem. Days to end:competition_end_day. I have 3 or 4 empty...
  2. pedzsan

    Is it possible to remove Health Awards?

    I've changed how I do things and I've changed what I want to track. In the past, I had 300+ days of consecutively meeting my goals but my goals are now significantly different. I'd like to reset some of my awards back to 0 such as some of the "consecutive days". And also, sometimes, I get an...
  3. henry72

    February 2022 Limited Edition Challenges

    For those who like to get the limited edition awards, Feb is going to be a busy month 😂 There are three awards you could get in Feb 2022 😍😍😍 - Lunar New Year 🐯 - Unity 🤙🏿 - Heart Month ❤️ - Coming 🔜 Good luck 💪
  4. GrandeLatte

    March 2021 Activity Challenge

    Hi Folks, Ready for March? Here is my new monthly challenge: 2,400 total exercise minutes which works out to 77 minutes per day. Wish me luck! What are your challenges? Do share! :) :cool: :D:) PS: I believe Women's Day is on March 8th, so we might have a special challenge there.
  5. GrandeLatte

    February 2021 Activity Challenge

    Time for February Challenge and Unity Challenge? I'm here!
  6. N

    iPhone 11 Pro New iPhone isn't showing up Apple Activity Awards

    I just got my new iPhone 11 Pro last night. I set it up and was told to let everything sync over night and everything would show up. Well, this morning, I still didn't have anything so I talked to Apple and they had me do a Reset and Set up the phone as new. I signed into iCloud and some of the...