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actual size

  1. kathmandu04akit

    Photo Upscaling Warning Retina & 4K (aka upsampling)

    The following Mac Apps (Photos,Preview,Safari,Mail) are trashing display of image files on (at least) MBP's w/Retina display including when clamshell ported via HDMI to 4k display using monitor at SysPref display default scaling. Same trouble happening on a friends newer MBP w/Retina Display...
  2. E

    Preview: Actual Size By Default Option Removed

    Hey everybody, name's Evan. Long time reader of the forums here, first-time poster. So, I'm a 9-Year Veteran of Apple, been using them since high school. Unfortunately, while I feel Apple is getting better as a whole in quality and convenience, sometimes Apple screws with you, and removes...