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air cooling

  1. Z

    MP 1,1-5,1 Mac Pro 3,1 Cooling

    Aight lads and lasses of MacRumours I have a question: What are some of your reccomendation for fan cooling on 3,1 (or any of the old pre trashcan macs)? I've set this cooling profile but one of my Ram banks is a good few degrees hotter at any given time. For context I've repasted the CPU's...
  2. M

    Air Cooling an old 2.7 G5

    Hi there to folks tuned in to PPC interests! Recently, I was lucky to have purchased for a very small amount,several G5s. Amoungst them were a pair of Dual Processor 2 GHz units, and one historically interesting (at least to me) 2.7 GHz unit. I had sorted the units out first by the processor...
  3. Antares23

    Replace WaterCooling by Air Cooling ?

    Hello, I'm thinking about buying a PowerMac G5 to replace my iMac G5 (no, I don't want something higher, I don't want to wait longer to have money to buy a Mac Pro, or take a IntelMini, no, it would be a PowerMac G5 or nothing, anyway, I will take it on a french site like craiglist, G5 are like...