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  1. howdytom

    Airmail for macOS. Security and Privacy questions

    Hi there, Any users out there who could share more insights about security and privacy in Airmail's macOS mail client? I have stumbled upon a Reddit thread which claims Airmail syncs or even stores my server credentials externally for push notifications. Is that correct? I want to keep my...
  2. M

    Airmail for Mac search failure

    I am having no luck with searches using Airmail 3 for Mac. Does not matter what I enter in the search field, there are NO RESULTS. For example, I opened a random one year old email from my stepdad and he mentioned the family cat, Kita. I entered "kita" into the search field and there were no...
  3. Gwendolini

    Mail doesn't arrive in proper inbox

    Hi. A long time ago I tested Airmail. Did not work out. I just use Mail on all my devices nowadays, the Mac running the latest Yosemite version and the iOS devices running the latest iOS 9.x versions. I have several accounts, almost all seem to work. But my main account (still Yahoo - will...