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  1. Rychiar

    HomePod Airplay 2 gets worse for me every year

    When I first started buying HomePods I thought they were amazing and loved the whole home audio. Now they’re a lesson in frustration if they work together at all. Most of the times they go out of sync. I also have an AirPlay Mac mini which almost never will play at the same time as the HomePods...
  2. Iljale

    Dolby Atmos on Logic through AirPlay on HomePods

    Hey, So I‘m new into mixing Dolby Atmos on Logic Pro and have two HomePods standing on my desk. Is it possible to airplay from my Dolby Atmos internal renderer to my HomePods to play Dolby Atmos or is it impossible? Using an Intel 2019 MacBook Pro 16“
  3. Rychiar

    HomePod Why is airplay on HomePods so bad!?

    Like seriously I use my 5 HomePods daily and I’m usually telling them what to play from my phone and selecting where to play and I’d say 80% of the time one, or multiple HomePods never start playing , lock up entirely, or lately, play music out of sync with the others. It gets so annoying that...
  4. philrock

    Apple Music AirPlay2 Outdoor Speaker (fixed)

    Hello folks, looking for a solid (fixed) outdoor speaker that is AP2 capable. It will be mounted under the eaves so it won't get direct sun exposure or rain but dew is a thing here. I currently use Sonos and HPMs for music inside. I want to add an outdoor zone as we spend a lot of time...
  5. R

    Home .

  6. J

    HomePod Airplay: streaming to HomePod and MacBook simultaneously

    Hi, sitting at my MacBook Pro Late 2018 running Big Sur, I want to stream a podcast on Spotify to hompod mini and a Sonos speaker and output it on my MacBook as well. In Apple's Music app on my MacBook, this isn't an issue. I just select all 3 devices from the list. Music is playing on...
  7. MilesSmiles

    HomeKit Beoplay A9 AirPlay 2 Support

    After installing software Update 1.18....... for the A9mk2 today the A9 showed up as AirPay 2 speaker in iOS. This is 6 month after Airplay was release to the public by Apple and 3 month later then promised update by Bang & Olufsen. Thanks to the dev. Team of B&O for making Airplay 2 support...
  8. Stonerider

    Carrier Missing airplay2-multiroom function on iPhone (?)

    Problem: iPhone 6 can connect to one set of speakers only - not multiroom as expected in latest update. Speakers in house is setup and works with multiroom, when music is streamed from MacBookPro iPhones sees the same speakers as MBP and can connect to them independently, but not in a...
  9. walex19

    HomePod Airplay Turntable (Vinyl) to all airplay 2 speakers (including HomePods and Apple TV) with airfoil

    Hey all, Not sure if this has been posted before but I finally figured out how to send music from my turntable (audio technica lp120) to all my speakers! First of all, I connected the turntable to my MacBook Pro via USB then launched airfoil. I chose the source as USB and viola! All my...
  10. KingBowser64

    Sonos AirPlay 2

    So within the last week or two, Sonos had two major announcements: 1: Sonos One 2: AirPlay 2 Support (Future update) In our household, we have quite the Sonos and HomeKit setups, which I listed at the bottom of this post. If anyone has any questions about any of the products, feel free to ask...