So I am currently trying to build an eGPU for my 2015 mBP 13".
My question is: should I buy an akitio thunder 2 and go with the classic build or buy an akitio node/ thunder 3 and an adapter tb3->tb2?
And are any performances differences between these(according to my mac)?
Akitio Thunder 3/Node...
Hey everyone,
I am looking to potentially upgrade hardware for media production use (Final Cut, Premier, Photoshop (RAW photos), Illustrator + occasional gaming)
I currently own a Macbook Pro 11,5 + 2.8ghz i7 + 16gb 1600 MHz DDR3 + AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2GB
I am considering one of the following...
Hi guys, I am new here! Title sound terrific I know :D
I have got a MBRP Late '14 which I use in daily basis. I have 2 monitors, if we count the retina display: 3. One of my friend that is using external monitor said that he has some "lag" issues with the iris, I tried and there was some...