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  1. sundialsoft

    iOS All uibuttons have the wrong alpha

    In one of my apps all uibuttons (no other controls are wrong) have an alpha of about 0.3 instead of 1.0 I cannot see anywhere that I have messed with appearance and I was not changing the buttons in the last update just adding IAP. Im using Xcode 9.3 Any suggestions on what could cause this ...
  2. Meghana Karandikar

    Playing alpha video in iOS

    I need to play alpha video. But AVPlayer which is used in iOS to play videos does not support alpha videos. I found out below link which is a 3rd party option to play alpha video, I tried to follow the steps...
  3. Phoenix_E

    macOS Need help with applescript

    I had an applescript that used to work but now it no longer does. I'm not sure what's wrong with it but if someone could help me out it'd be greatly appreciated. Everytime I run this it returns "msng" and i can't figure out how to fix it. tell application "Safari" quit end tell set...
  4. A

    Transparent background HOW?

    Hi, I have seen an example of a video of someone talking on top of their business card. So, when it is scanned with an app (augmented reality) it trigger the video to play and the video has a transparent background. This means that the person appears to be standing in the business card. I have...