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  1. RumorzGuy

    Change Dock Background Color and Indicator Lights

    In visiting the official Apple Support forums, as well as a number of other Apple related forums -- such as this one -- it becomes rather apparent that at the very least, for years now, thousands of users have been asking Apple to give them the ability to change the Dock background color, as...
  2. RumorzGuy

    How to Change Color of App Status Indicator Light in Dock

    As I mentioned earlier, yesterday I abandoned Sierra and dropped back down to El Capitan, where I will remain until this old machine kicks the bucket. While I posted this message in the El Capitan section, I wanted to post it here as well, in the hope that some very smart person will help me to...
  3. RumorzGuy

    How to Change Indicator Light Color on El Capitan?

    As I mentioned in the macOS Sierra section, after encountering a number of different problems with using Sierra on my unsupported iMac, yesterday I dropped back down to El Capitan, where I will remain until this old machine kicks the bucket. There is one thing which I would like to...