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  1. Alvin777

    Universal How Can iOS Safari Use 'Request Desktop Website' At All Times?

    Hello Apple & Mac friends. On iOS Safari, how do I always make the sites and all their pages including sub-pages be locked at 'Desktop Mode' because it's a bit of a waste of time and cumbersome to always click 'Request Desktop Mode' for every page I go to in a website? I prefer the websites in...
  2. AjTee

    MacBook Pro 13 2017 - Apple Logo always dirty

    Hi all, I have a problem with Apple Logo on my MacBook Pro 13 (2017). It is always dirty and with smudges. When I clean it using microfibre cloth (already used a few types), logo is clean for a 10 minutes and then there appear some smudges and logo is a little bit misted (looks like there is...