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analog audio

  1. Basic75

    Wired AirPlay 2 to Stereo RCA?

    Does anybody know a device that accepts AirPlay 2 audio via Ethernet and has a stereo RCA analog audio output?
  2. T

    Injecting analog audio into airplay

    i have a multi device airplay net and I'd like to put analog (or digitized) turntable output sourced music into it for distribution in my house. How would this be accomplished? Thanks! Tom
  3. Cogset

    Audio options without Airport Express?

    So I have used airport express boxes around the house to allow me to plug in iTunes airplay music directly into a device (usually a small stereo amp, or in once case an old tube pre-amp). Works great, I can fire up a playlist on my Mac and hear it all over the house. To do this I make use of...