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  1. schabert

    issue with locahost since updating to big sur

    I am wondering if someone could help me. I have setup localhost on my computer (with wordpress installation) and it was working fine until I upgraded to Mac OS Big Sur. now, most of the time I can access my websites, but sometimes, it gives me the message : "Forbidden You don't have...
  2. Stike

    Apache: DocumentRoot does not exist?!

    Hello everyone! I have a weird error which causes (I think) a loopback problem, thus I can't access my own website on the IP which is attached to the domain. I have a fixated IP with a domain attached to it. I managed (don't even ask) to get an SSL certificate for it via Lets Encrypt. But now...
  3. cyberblood

    Managing native PHP on OS X server

    Hi, I use OS X server for webserver and I'm having problems with PHP modules loaded etc. The PHP version coming with OS X Server doesn't have Mcrypt and many other modules I need.There is a big mess using Brew to add some, after upgrade the version are not compatible. There is an alternative...
  4. S

    Any Good Uses For An Old '07 Mac Mini?

    I have an unused mac mini sitting on a shelf in my bedroom, every time I see it, it pains me that it goes to such a waste, and I am interested in putting it to work. Right of the bat, I don't need it for kodi (which would be a bad idea since the the GPU would not be able to handle 1080p), it...