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apple maps

  1. Khavik

    Universal [MAPS] I can't report a street, because it has no name...

    Apple Maps often tries to guide me through a dirt road that can be used only by bikes and pedestrians. It is a nameless road that is so minor that I can't even report, because reporting pin doesn't want to stick to it. It is so annoying... Travel mode is of course set to car
  2. A

    Poll: Preferred Maps App in 2024 - Apple vs Google vs Others

    Curious on where the community stands on maps app usage these days. I couldn’t be a bigger Apple fanboy, but I still can’t come around to switching to Apple Maps. Most of my non-tech friends though do prefer Apple Maps which I find interesting. For me — something about the location search...
  3. C

    iPhone 15 Pro Max iPhone 15 Pro Max GPS Apple Map or Google Map freeze then starts again.

    The Google Maps and Maps app on my iPhone 15 intermittently stop functioning and then restart. This issue has persisted since I owned the iPhone 13 Pro Max and continues with the new iPhone 15 Pro Max. I've tried resetting my phone from scratch at the Apple Store, but the problem remains. It...
  4. M

    Apple Maps very low 3D performance on Ventura/Sonoma on Intel Macs

    Hi, The 3D performance of Maps in Ventura/Sonoma on Intel Macs is very low! If you switch to 3D Satelite View (New York for example), dragging, rotating etc lags very much! Even if you have powerful hardware! I observe this on a Mac Pro 12-Core with AMD Pro Vega II. By looking at the Activity...
  5. thewhitehart

    Apple Maps doesn’t recognize my address as home (Japan)

    I live in Japan. My iPhone uses English as its primary language, and the region is set to the US. Apple Maps gives a correct address for my residence. However, when I add my address to my Contact card as my home, either through Apple Maps or manually, Apple Maps won’t recognize it. It won’t...
  6. S

    iPhone 13 Pro Apple Maps doesn’t count down distance when navigating

    When you put in a location to navigate to it doesn’t count down the distance to the next turn etc. like it used to (I’m on the latest update). I’m on holiday in Vietnam and using my watch for maps a lot, and it’s annoying having to constantly check my watch as I don’t know how far I am from...
  7. Kaulini

    Taiwan maps Expansion!

    SOURCE: Revamped Maps app is rolling out across Taiwan. The new experience provides more detailed road coverage, better navigation, custom-designed 3D models of popular landmarks, Flyover, and more. Maps can also help drivers in Taiwan...
  8. headlessmike

    Apple Maps redesign coming to Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Austria

    Apple has today started rolling out the redesigned maps in Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Austria. Some users will see the new maps and others will still get the old ones during the testing period. As a current resident in one of these countries, I'm pretty interested to see how they turn out. If...
  9. uncming

    Apple Maps and CarPlay 16.1b2

    Ran across a new bug. Apple Maps on wired CarPlay no longer plays audio navigation. Odd thing it was working earlier this week and tonight it just stopped working. I haven’t changed any settings. I did install Waze and they seem to work just fine. Wondering if anyone has any tips or the same...
  10. one more

    Apple Maps displayed speed limit accuracy

    I find Apple Maps displayed speed limits rather inaccurate and would like to collect some more data from different countries. Please note the Maps speed limits accuracy for you and mention your country or state.
  11. one more

    Can’t add an address from Apple Maps to a contact (France) [Resolved in iOS 15.3]

    Hi everybody! I used to frequently add looked-up addresses in Apple Maps to my Contacts. A few weeks ago (when it was still iOS 15.2) I noticed that when I find an address in Apple Maps and then choose to add it to an existing contact, it would not work. The Contacts app opens, I can select a...
  12. U

    Changes to Apple Maps via CarPlay on iOS 15 makes accessing features more-dangerous

    I'm using Apple Maps via CarPlay for integrated vehicle navigation. I've had it since iOS 14.x. It works well, and has been great. However a subtle change introduced in iOS15 seems to be a step-backwards in my opinion. Previously, iOS 14 provided a feature where if you wished to mute the...
  13. G

    Apple maps camera warning no longer working

    Apple Maps used on CarPlay used to notify me when a red light camera or speed camera was ahead (it would announce “Camera 1km ahead”) however since updating to iOS 15 I no longer receive these alerts. The camera icon appears on the map however no warning. I have the audio set to all...
  14. MozMan68

    Beta Users in the San Francisco Area

    A it possible for you to record the screen on your phone while driving around, using transit, etc. in the updated "detailed Maps" area in and around San Francisco? Outside of the very short snippet during WWDC, there does not seem to be any video of actual routing through these...
  15. MozMan68

    Apple Maps Thread - iOS 15

    This is a Wiki Thread for the latest updates to the Apple Maps app. Note that some of the updates listed below may only be available in the latest beta software and not necessarily publicly available until iOS15 is released. The thread for new Maps updates that occurred during iOS 14 can be...
  16. miamialley

    CarPlay Road trip through National Parks in the US West. CarPlay: Apple Maps or Google Maps?

    We'll be driving from Southern California to West Yellowstone, MT and back. I like the interface of Apple Maps and traditionally use it day to day, but prefer the historical data of Google Maps (and other features like 'add stop'). Which maps app would you use with CarPlay and why?
  17. T

    Dumb do you add a place from Apple Maps to your Contacts?

    I thought I looked everywhere, but I probably missed it. How do you add a contact from Apple Maps to my contacts? It used to be nice because it seemed that it added more info than a normal contact when you did that. I was adding a bunch of Apple stores to my contacts. I know I can obviously cut...
  18. P

    All Devices Cant remove or edit pinned location in Apple maps!

    Hallo, I cant remove some pinned locations in Apple maps... I really want to get rid of it... Can you please help me out?
  19. Gianluca Santagada

    All Devices Apple maps transit

    It's been almost a year since apple released new public transportation expansion to maps... any guess about a possible launch date for new countries / improvements? So far in Germany (the currently uncovered parts) progress seem complete for a possible release, as in many cities transit station...
  20. S

    Instagram is now using Apple Maps for their location maps

    I noticed today when looking at a restaurant that Instagram was using Apple maps instead of Google maps for their location map.