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  1. W

    How can I do things in Apple-Script? [MERGED]

    Hi Everyone, Where can I find good tutorials and example files for Apple-Script? Thanks!
  2. W

    Apple-script Exported (compiled) as Application not running on another MacOS

    I have written a simple Apple-script on my MacOS 12, tested and running fine, (Apple-script as well as Exported Application file). When I transfer this complied .app file, it refuse to work on another MacOS. I can still run the same copied .scpt file opening and with play button on another...
  3. thdbguy

    macOS AppleScript or Macro to automate simple PowerPoint slides from Excel

    Does anyone have a prepared AppleScript or OS X ready macro to pull data from Excel and automate slide creation in PowerPoint? Simple PowerPoint slides, pulling from the first two columns in Excel into two text boxes via a master slide, new slide for each respective row. Obviously the macro I...
  4. Freccia

    Extracting Date From Email Body

    Hi guys, i hope somebody can help me. I have thousand emails like the one in the pic attached and i need to extract all the data in the body. I already tried so many different Scripts, but i was able to extract just the email. Can somebody know how to extract all the data? Please can...