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  1. A

    Clone laptops to NAS, backup NAS to cloud?

    I'm looking into a onsite and offsite backup solution for a two-laptop household (with each a 256GB) plus 100-150GB of files on an external drive. Here are my current plans. Any suggestions to improve these will be greatly appreciated. 1. Each person has a iCloud account, syncing ~/Documents...
  2. Gixene


    Hello MacRumors Community, Note: I would post this thread in Mac Apps and Mac App Store, but I feel as if those members here in the Mac Basics and Help would be of more help in this topic. Since I do not have an online backup solution, I began searching. I found a provider called Arq...
  3. Darf Nader

    Command Line pause/resume of Time Machine?

    Hi, first time poster after many years of reading.... I am trying to come up with a way to safely backup my Time Machine backup volumes offsite and I chose to try ARQ which uses s3 Glacier as its storage which is pretty cheap compared to other solutions which seem to offer a host of caveats...
  4. B

    Mac Mini or MacBook for server?

    I want to set up a server at home. For now it's only job will be to run Arq full time to back up my NAS; I might do more with it in the future. I have two older Macs available for this purpose, a 2008 aluminum MacBook, and a 2008 or 2009 Mac Mini. I've been looking around and both have...