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  1. E

    Apple Upgrade Plan + ATT? And 8 vs X on AUP quesiton

    Hi, Two questions that I can't seem to find an answer to. I am on ATT Mobile Share 6gb with three users. We pay $60 for the plan and $40 each for 'access' minus $20 for all having devices off contract. If I buy the iPhone 8 or X through the Apple Upgrade Plan, will ATT consider me back on...
  2. I

    AUP & Sim-Free

    Does anyone know how one could go about joining AUP and getting a Sim-Free phone? Not a Verizon phone but a Sim-free phone. I know its pedantic but thought somebody here would probably know. I chatted with an Apple agent and they said AUP wasn't available with Sim-Free but maybe someone has had...