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  1. S

    Can't stop auto dim brightness

    Hi all, I have a completely unimportant but deeply annoying issue that is taking up way too much of my mental space. Hoping some mac genius can assist! I'm on a MacBook Pro (14 inch 2021) Monterey 12.6. The screen auto dims by half whenever unplugged from the battery. Under system...
  2. purdnost

    HomeKit Any Reason NOT to Set Thermostat to Auto Heat/Cool?

    My ecobee thermostat and Home app give me the option to set my thermostat to auto heat/cool (as opposed to just heat or just cool). Assuming this works properly, would there be any good reason(s) not to use this feature? It would remove the step of having to manually change the setting between...
  3. Sovon Halder

    Why is Safari so Dumb?

    This happens to every website. I type up to "macru"... I even have a bookmark for macrumors but still the "smart search field" decides to prompt me with a random website link, in this case some stupid
  4. flusher

    Universal FaceBlur photo editor

    APPSTORE LINK FaceBlur allows you to blur out faces with just one tap of a button. And more! Blur out sensitive information on your documents or screenshots, license plate of the car you selling, odd people on your selfie or unnecessary product trademarks. Get your privacy a boost using simple...
  5. S

    Sending "AWAY" text messages?

    Is there no way at all to automatically send replies to text messages? I will be going "off grid" for some time and want people to know that I am away and not able to respond when they text me. Would this be an iphone thing? Or a Verizon thing? Is it even possible?
  6. E

    iPhone Auto Contact photo missing using iOS 11.3

    Ever since upgrading to iOS 11.3 the contact photo (when placing or receiving a call) on a 2017 Lexus vehicle no longer works. I have tried removing the iPhone from the car and reconnecting but this did not help. I have also talked with my local dealer and they were no help. Actually, they said...
  7. Moonjumper

    Removal of the Auto-Brightness option

    In Settings > Display & Brightness, the Auto-Brightness option has been removed in iOS 11 and set to on. This is a terrible decision. Auto-Brightness has been poor on any device I have ever seen it, and iOS has always been particularly bad. It is inconsistent and over aggressive. I appear to...
  8. P

    SSH automatization

    Sorry for my bad english. But i neeed your help guys! I need to login via ssh to ubuntu servers, easy yeah? But I have some troubles: I need to log at 200 servers ... its possible manually but toooo long and boring here is my routine: 1) ssh -i "PathToKey/Key" ubuntu@serverAddress Its always...
  9. Chris4943

    Cisco clean access auto login?

    How can I automatically login to my college's Cisco Clean Access client that requires I type in a username and password to use the wifi constantly. I would like the end result to be like when I get home and open my computer and I'm automatically connected to my wifi. It's 2016, it can be...
  10. speedingant

    AutoMounter your NAS Shares - Native macOS App

    Introducing AutoMounter, a powerful menu item designed to automatically mount your network shares. We wanted our network shares always accessible and ready to use. If you've got a NAS appliance, a server at work, or even shared folders on your other computers, you'll know how time consuming it...
  11. G

    iPhone 7 and 7+ Screen Brightness Boosting in Bright Light Test

    Hi everyone. So in light of Displaymate testing the iPhone 7 and saying that the brightness boosts higher in bright ambient conditions with auto brightness on, I've been meaning to try and replicate that on my phone. Unfortunately I haven't yet been able to do that with any success. I've even...
  12. wisecracker

    Simple Applescript help.

    For a few years now I have been developing a bash script that is a calibrated text mode AudioScope. A guy on here, 'kryten2', if he still on here, helped solve auto recording as a capture for OSX 10.7.5. The original function in my script that works fine is here:- #...
  13. suborg

    Universal [FREE] Fractal Avatar Generator - PSY-AI technology

    The image can say more than i could write! Download. Discover. Create. MixArt App free in AppStore! MixArt: the Unlimited Creativity