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  1. L

    passwords app and ip/port behaviour

    Hi, I’m very keen to use the new passwords app and wondered how it works with autofill for different ports on the same ip. I have a few docker containers / synology web UI all running one one IP. When I try autofilling passwords from keychain it lists all the passwords for the IP and treats...
  2. thewhitehart

    Compatible Cards Option in Wallet & Apple Pay Settings

    I’m a little uncertain as to how this feature works. Apple says “turn on this option to check that cards saved in Safari AutoFill work with Apple Pay and to use those cards in Wallet.” Does this mean that cards I add to Safari AutoFill will be automatically added to Wallet if they work with...
  3. bogdanw

    Disable/hide AutoFill

    One of the most annoying “features” in iOS 17 is the permanent AutoFill menu option. Is there any way to disable or hide it? I’ve have all AutoFill options turned off (in Safari & Passwords). I’ve never used and will never use AutoFill. Automatically fill in your information in Safari on...
  4. RazorBackXX

    Safari Extension for autofilling job applications? Is

    Hey my friends quick question I'm sick and tired of copying and pasting things into all these job applications. Is there a way to auto fill it? There's a new extension in the chrome browser called simplify copilot but I hate Google and I don't want to use anything Google related especially...
  5. B

    Autofill not working on unsecure websites after updating to iOS 17

    After updating to iOS 17 safari no longer prompts me to autofill the login information for HTTP websites.
  6. P

    All iPads How to autofill web forms without having to tap?

    Is there a way to automatically fill web forms (e.g., address, CC, etc.) upon page load without having to tap anything or authenticate? I.e., I want the fields to already be filled when the page loads. I'm basically looking for the functionality I get from this on my Mac with Chrome...
  7. petekjohnson

    Any way to use iCloud Keychain for logging into third-party apps or browsers?

    So I love the built-in 2-factor authentication that was built into iCloud Keychain in Monterey and iOS 15. BUT, was wondering if there are any utilities, or other mechanisms, to somehow be able to use it in third-party apps or different browsers. Right now, any time I need to log into anything...
  8. andyx181x

    iCloud how to delete autofill email addresses in iCloud mail browser

    Hi there folks, so I rarely ever use the web browser version of the iCloud mail since I have it on my iPhone. When I compose an email on my iPhone I have my suggested email addresses and recents how I want it. However in the browser on iCloud when I compose a new email it suggests some old...
  9. SpicyTrigger

    [SOLVED] iPadOS: Not Autofilling Passwords

    Hi there, I'm new to the whole iPadOS thing and tried to search for my issue but didn't seem to find any other posts or solutions. As soon as I connect my iPad Pro 11" (2021) to the Magic Keyboard the option to autofill passwords is not shown anymore. I tested Safari & Firefox, in neither of...
  10. TechThule

    Mail autofill ghosts

    Ever since I upgraded to Big Sur the autofill function in composing emails has gone aglee. It used to provide a pop down list of frequent recipients as soon as I started typing, but now the popdown list includes addresses from people that died years ago, and, for old friends, lists email...
  11. M

    What is the difference between Safari Credit Cards AutoFill and System Preferences Wallet & Apple Pay?

    I added my card in Wallet & Apple Pay on System Preferences expecting that I will be able to AutoFill my card whenever I want to purchase something in Safari. That is not the case. I have to actually add the same card in Safari Credit Cards AutoFill. What is the difference between these two? On...
  12. C

    Auto Unlock Feature - Unlock computer only or password autofills?

    Hi, thinking about getting an Apple Watch. Does the Auto Unlock feature only unlock the computer or does it also function like touchID on MacBooks where it will authenticate password autofills as well? Thank you
  13. S

    password autofill requires password

    10.14.4 appears to have implemented an annoying hurdle in safari password autofill. Each time we select to autofill a password or cc I have to put in my user password (or use touchid). This is painfully inconvenient as I'm using this 20x an hour. Do any of you brilliant genius masterminds...
  14. walterhpdx

    Safari Autofill Passwords now requiring password

    Updated my two Macbook Pro laptops to 10.14.4, and Safari 12.1, and I have my two 2010 Mac Pros still on 10.13.6 since I don't have appropriate video cards in them to upgrade. Now on my Macbook Pro laptops, whenever I have autofill of a username/password on my laptop, it's requiring my system...
  15. E

    Safari search privacy

    I have been messing with the settings for a long time, and I can’t quite figure this out. Say I search for ‘embarrassing porn’ on Safari on my iPhone. The next day, someone asks to use my phone to look up the number for Ed’s Steakhouse... They type ‘e’ and then see a list of stuff I’ve searched...
  16. jagooch

    Password autofill didn't work - How I fixed it

    I migrated my 100's of Web logins from 1Password into Keychain yesterday ( quite a long process! ) using my Mac, and then tested it on my iPhone. Then I tested it on my iPad by spot-checking logins that I had added. Problem 1) none of them were there. Fix: I fixed that by logging in/out of...
  17. S

    Autofill one at a time?

    Not sure if this is an OSX question or a Chrome question but... Is there a way to autofill one entry at a time instead of changing all possible entries on a page at once? It seems if you choose to use autofill it fills up every available entry on a webpage and will also change any entries that...
  18. S

    Autofill 1 field at a time?

    Is there a way to use autofill to only fill the field I am currently on? The only way I have ever been able to use autofill is to have it fill every possible field on a page at once. For example say there are entries on a page for my address, phone number, email, etc but I only want to...
  19. hibikigau

    Has anyone heard of the app called Fillr.

    Been out in the market looking for an autofill app for my device and I stumbled upon an app called fillr app website - On the page they are claiming that they are the "safest" autofill app with military grade encryption...? I'm a bit skeptical on apps that I put my data in...
  20. I

    How to correct an autocorrect?

    For some reason in some unknown place Autofill has memorized VASHON so every single time I try to type Vashon my Mac, iPhone, and iPad all "correct" it to VASHON. Can someone tell me the Master Location for this "learned behavior" so I can go in and delete it? The autofill is happening...