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  1. ardo111

    iPhone X: Can Someone Test This?

    Okay! Problem: iPhone X Autofocus increases distance as the gravity acting on the camera increases. What do I mean by that? Point the iPhone X at the ground in any photo or video app. Autofocus somewhere between 6" and 3' away. Tilt the iPhone X to the horizon, check the distance at which...
  2. ardo111

    Does your iPhone X Do This?

    I was out filming some test footage with my iPhone X today and noticed when I locked the AF and then went to do a tilt up to the sky, the sky was blurry. I Autofocused on some trees 20-30ft in front of me, tilted up, and the trees were blurry. Tilt back down, sharp. I came home and tested it...
  3. M

    iPhone 7 Slow Motion video - autofocus problems

    I just noticed today that my iPhone 7 128GB seems to have a problem with autofocus when in slo-mo video mode. As I move the camera around, it is constantly trying to reset the autofocus and so my subject is often out of focus. The only way to avoid this is to fix the focus with tap or...