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automatic updates

  1. JippaLippa

    Appstore doesn't update apps automatically

    Hello. I noticed that the appstore on my mac (macOS Ventura 13.6, Mac Studio 2022 M1 Ultra) doesn't update apps automatically, despite the setting being toggled, as seen in the screenshot below: This is very annoying, as I have to remember to go to the appstore, from tiem to time, and...
  2. MYZ

    Can updates still be fully turned off? Impossible in iOS 16 now.

    For iOS 16 the ’Automatic Updates’ fine text states: The key part being “Some system files will always be installed automatically, even if “Security Responses & System Files” is turned off.” Is the fine text identical for iPadOS 16?
  3. M

    Does iOS still actively search for OS updates if automatic updates are turned off?

    I'm on iOS 14.4. "Download iOS updates" (Settings > General > Software Update > Automatic Updates) is deactivated (possible since iOS 13.6). There's still no red badge on the Settings app for iOS 14.4.1, which was released about 2 weeks ago, so it seems like iOS actually stops actively searching...
  4. purdnost

    Automatic App Updates Reliable Yet?

    Like a lot of people, my parents never think to open the App Store to update their apps, and with the recent redesign to the way app updates are accessed, I'm sure they wouldn't even know where to look for them. There is an App Store setting that allows for automatic app updates, but this has...
  5. S

    2 quick Q's: High Sierra Auto Update & 2017 iMac Screen Angle

    Hey, how are you guys doing? I have a question regarding High Sierra. Does this OS update automatically or do I need to download and install it manually? I got no notification for updates besides iMovie which I don't even use. And another question regarding the 2017 5k iMac. After taking it...
  6. R

    iPhone wastes 100s of megabytes on mobile data when connected to Wifi

    I just got off the phone with my network provider after finding out my iPhone for the last couple of months have been wasting hundreds of megabytes of mobile data. Despite being connected to my own wireless network. The phone has been lying still on the table, and suddenly I get a message from...