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  1. A

    October perfect month award not received

    I reached my move goal everyday. I saw the perfect month award appearing on my watch. But it hasn’t shown up on my phone yet. I’ve tried restarting my phone and my watch. The award is still to be seen. Has anyone experienced something like this before? Anyone aware of a solution? Thank you!
  2. M

    Missing achievements

    Upgraded to new iPhone Xs and Series 4 yesterday. Backed up to iCloud before making the switch. All my activity data is present, exercises, etc. However, the awards themselves are largely gone. Only ones left are my activity from yesterday and the Earth Day 2018 challenge. I've read on...
  3. freemyheart

    Suggest a new Activity achievement to Apple

    Have you accomplished something while using your Apple Watch where you thought, "That should be an achievement?" How about closing all 3 rings by 11:01am? Perhaps since it should look cleaner, call it the '1111' achievement. I accomplished this on the same day that I got my '100'...