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bash scripting

  1. J

    Deleting user files/signing out of programs on every logout?

    Hi, I am trying to set up Macs for my school on Monterey 12.6 and ran into loads of crashing issues regarding Google Chrome and Garageband on Guest (but never on local), plus couldn't get a launch script on Guest to accept default browser. Is there a way I can create a local account...
  2. DominikHoffmann

    Terminal: ctime flag in find not working as expected

    find ~/Downloads -ctime +14 | more produces no output. I clearly have files older than 14 days in my Downloads folder. What could be going on? I have had code using this snippet running in a cron job and migrated it into a launchd user agent. It doesn’t work as part of that, but it also doesn’t...
  3. organicCPU

    macOS shell - arrange images by inode numbers

    Overview: How can I edit the inode number (ls -i /path/to/file) of certain files after file creation on a FAT-32 filesystem? Why I'd like to do this: During the holiday season I encountered a problem with jpg images on USB flash drives showing up in some weird order on a Philips TV. After all...