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battery percentage

  1. I

    Iphone 11 pro battery percentages jumping around (iOS 15.2 - 15.2.1)

    Hello guys! This is my first thread, I'm just gonna share my problem with my iPhone 11 pro, mainly about its battery percentages jumping around, it been doing like that so much, I've been trying to contact apple support but they ask me to reinstall the whole iOS, and I already did it and it...
  2. Risco

    iPhone XS Why are iPhone batteries so bad?

    I love everything about Apple but their battery life is shockingly bad. Are the batteries much smaller than equivalent Android phones? Or is this more a software issue? When I had an iPhone 4 it would last up to 4 days! My iPhone XS needs charging daily...
  3. N

    iPhone 8/Plus iPhone 8 battery drops to 94% capacity in 3 months

    Hello. Brand new iPhone 8. The battery has dropped to 94% capacity in 3 months. Not a heavy user, no social, not many apps. Needs charging daily or more frequently. Upgraded to iOS 13.3 from 11.4 about ~1 month ago. Guidance appreciated. Thank you.
  4. PhillyGuy72

    iPhone XS Max iPhone XS Max - Battery stuck ay 97%

    After Googling this, it seems to be a common problem. I'm running 12.2 IOS. This for me just started out of nowhere yesterday morning for some reason. I'll have the phone charging - but it just won't go above 97%. I did a hard reset, once it booted up...then it showed 100%. This morning, I...
  5. I

    Found an easier way to check Battery % on iPX

    Not sure if this has been showed or addressed, but I discovered an easier way (easier to me) to see the iPhone X battery percentage. This is for those of us that didnt know.... I never looked at or used the widgets on iOS prior to this. The trick is just to add a "Battery Widget" to your phone...
  6. noslenam

    iOS 11.1 batter % dropping as i watch

    So I’ve read the batter issues on many posts. What I just noticed while I decided to read a few more posts to see what others are experiencing is the battery percentage literally dropping as I watched it. I started at 42% and it caught my eye that it decreased and as I watched it for about 30...
  7. A

    Apple to remove battery percentage indicator on iPhone X?

    In recent leaks, it has been shown that the status bar of the iPhone X will consist of the time on the left and cellular, wifi, and battery on the right. However, this would make it so that there wouldn't be enough room for the battery percentage indicator, and none of the leaked images have...