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  1. B

    Mojave beach-balling daily

    Hi folks, I have a 2018 MBP 13 running Mojave 10.14.2 It seems about once a day the system will beach ball needing a restart. The first symptom is that web pages don't load and then when I move the cursor over the wireless symbol in the taskbar the system beach balls. Activity Monitor shows...
  2. K

    MBP mid-2010 beachballing

    Hi! My mid-2010 MBP, running on El Capitan 10.11.3, has become very slow and beachballs very quickly after a re-boot. This beachballing has started a few times this summer, any time i visited a place where it was 35C+, but it usually behaves normal once I am back home. After this last trip...
  3. mymacisbonkers

    macbook pro with el capitan non stop beach balling/lag

    Hello, I am running a early 2011 macbook pro (on el capitan) that was fine until a few weeks ago. I have constant lag/beachballing symbol,with playing itunes, login, i cant even type a document in pages without it freezing. Heck even loading this was a pain. I am posting for opinions on how to...
  4. XxUnkn0wnxX

    macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Beach Ball Of Death (iMac Locks Up)

    Hi, I have had enough of this, my iMac has been crashing and locking up for the past month. and now its happening like twice or 3 times a day. I cannot use my computer properly any more due to the amount of lockups I get. why is this happening? the full log can be found here...
  5. C

    Beachballing (still loading) after every action

    I find these threads with same problem: gestions.1956948/ 22572555 I have iMac late 2012 (CPU i5 2,7 GHz, RAM 8GB, HDD 1TB 5400) with...