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  1. P

    Twitch App goes black after a while

    Issue: Screen Blackout While Using the Twitch App I am encountering an issue where my screen intermittently goes black while watching videos on the Twitch app. There is no consistent pattern to when this occurs. Sometimes I can watch an entire stream without interruption, while other times the...
  2. E

    external monitor blackout for 2 seconds

    I have a 13" Macbook Pro 2017 version, no security chip. Initially I just connected with a Philips 32" 2K monitor (model BDM3270) via a usb-c to HDMI dongle, all good!Then I bought another Philips 32" 4K monitor (model 328P6VU) with USB-C docking capability, and connected with my Macbook Pro via...
  3. azr25

    iOS 9 Pangu jailbreak caused broken screen

    I was wondering if any one could give me some ideas on how to fix my phone. Currently when i turn it on I can only see a tiny horizontal bar of my screen is visible. I can not get the screen to respond to touch to unlock it and reset it. Trying to let it die now and recharge. PLEASE HELP?!
  4. zeidshehadeh

    My Iphone4's screen is black and I lost the touch too! I need to backup and my phone, HELP?

    Hello Everyone! I think I lost the touch too. I will buy a new phone but I need to backup my music and photos I have my life here!! I tried to connect my phone to the laptop but when I try to sync the ask me to unlock the phone but I can t! I need your help I m clueless now I tried...