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  1. J

    Multiple RAIDS (all of a sudden) running extremely slow, at work, and at home.

    I have been using a QNAP NAS 6-bay setup at work for the past 2 years with R/W speeds upwards of 1.4GB/Sec (thanks to 2TB cache and 32GB Ram in the NAS). Until about a month ago those speeds were constant. Now, all of a sudden, I'm hitting 100MB/sec with absolutely no changes to my setup...
  2. B

    MBP 17 AMD bottleneck?

    So i checked if my graphic card gets bottlenecked because when i play certain games it never goed full power. Is there a fix to unblock the bottleneck?
  3. F

    Macbook was slow, replaced HDD with new SDD but still same speed

    Hi, i just replaced my Macbook Pro with a new SSD and installed OS X, which took about 1,5 hours. Very slow process but i came trough. Even tho the SSD is clearly faster in theory, it still has very slow load times just as before. I've tried with 2 different SSD's but with no help. Is there any...
  4. J

    What causes my MBP to only get half of my SSD's max speeds?

    Howdy, I have a mid 2010 13 inch Macbook Pro 7,1 running 10.10.5 and I have replaced the stock 5400 rpm drive with a Mushkin Enhanced Chronos 480GB SSD: I got Trim Enabler running and did all of the optimization/upkeep I've seen...