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  1. Alvin777

    Most Decent but Most Cost-Effective Laser Printer

    Hello Mac friends. Since black text and grayscale logo + graphics (nothing in the level of the needs of a print studio) is the most used and we have a colored inkjet printer anyway (old but still working), it's best to buy laser printer this time. What is the most decent (to even spectacular...
  2. C

    iPhone 12 Pro Brand new iPhone 12 Pro purchased at Apple Store with refurbished serial no.

    I just checked the serial no. on my brand new iPhone 12 pro and it does start with an "F" indicating that it is refurbished based on this info: Is the information below accurate? Does anyone else have the same indicator letter or am I being too nitpicky.. Thanks for the help!
  3. A

    Touch Pad Defect Brand New MBP

    It seems like there's a bright scratch on the top left of the touchpad on this new MacBook Pro that I just opened today. It is only visible from an angle in a lit room. The problem is that it is very distracting and is most prevalent from the angle that the laptop would normally be used from. Is...
  4. M

    MacBook Pro 2018 overheat /HibernateError during sleep

    Opened a discussion here as well: Hey Yesterday, after playing with my MacBook's pmset settings, I closed the lid (while plugged in), and after 4 hours I just unplugged it and went to sleep. This morning I'm waking up to an extremely hot, battery...
  5. 2

    I found a brand new iMac G3

    I was surfing ebay and came across a brand new in the box snow 600mhz imac g3! The price is a bit high for me but if anybody's interested here is a link to it...
  6. AlexGraphicD

    Why don't people buy Refurbished instead of brand new?

    Seriously, it is better for the environment and you get a high quality machine just like a brand new with extended warranty and cheaper. If Apple offered refurbished iPhones I would get one too. Instead, I bought one on eBay in excellent condition with a three days use from the original owner...