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  1. W

    Just bought a new iPhone SE... then the trouble started...

    Hi folks! This is an unusual issue, so it doesn't really fit into any specific forum on the MacRumors site. This forum was the closest, so here goes... I just bought a brand-new unlocked iPhone SE (2022) from Apple's web-site. I was thrilled to receive it. In the past, I had bought a couple...
  2. G

    No notification when there is a new voicemail (iPhone 6+, Tracfone BYOP plan)

    Ever since I purchased my iPhone 6 Plus, I used T-Mobile as my service provider. Whenever I had a new voice message, the phone icon on my home screen would light up with a number to indicate how many voice messages I had. In addition, when opening the phone app, the Voicemail tab would also...