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calendar issue

  1. Z

    Calendar App - Clicking two areas creates a New Event

    Is this normal that I select an existing event then an empty area that it'll make a New Event for that timeframe? How do I disable this "feature?" Please see the linked screencast to demonstrate what I mean. I'm currently running Sierra on a MBP 15" 2016 with touch bar.
  2. M

    Carrier AT&T iPhone 5s calendar is possessed!

    At 10pm on the dot, my 5s started acting strange. It was charging on my coffee table, when out of nowhere: The calendar was selected April 1st was selected "April Fools Day" was added, with an alert to repeat every year, and a timer set for 9am, with an alarm set to two hours prior to 9am...
  3. I

    iPhone Duplicate calendar entries iOS 9.3.4

    Hi All, I am a IT Service Desk Analyst and have been receiving multiple reports from users that are seeing duplicate calendar entires on there Office365 calendar. Which started happening strangely after the release of iOS 9.3.4 and wanted to know if there were any other reports of the issue. I...