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  1. J

    AirPods starts to charge at 78 in case when empty. How to fix? Reset didn’t work.

    I am trying to calibrate my AirPods to make them read battery more accurate. I drained them overnight and put them in the case but when I do that the battery reports back at 78-80 percent even though it’s been about 10 seconds. When I try to calibrate my gen 2 AirPods they start off at zero...
  2. Citroentaart

    Studio Display - Where are the color profiles? Calibrate with i1 DisplayPro X-rite

    Today I started using a Studio Display. This is next to my 5K iMac from 2019. I calibrated my iMac with the i1 Display Pro from X-rite. This works fine. After calibration, a .icc color profile will appear here. You can then select this color profile in the screen preferences. However, this is...
  3. steveash

    Calibrating dual displays

    Not necessarily a photography thing but I know there are people here with the knowledge. I Use a BenQ SW2700 display for my work but decided to set up a second display as I had an old one hanging around. I will mostly use it for email etc so the colour isn't all that important but I noticed...
  4. R

    Is my MacBook Pro display defective? Why are colors washed out?

    I recently purchased a new MBP 15" and I'm noticing something very strange with the colors across apps. The display is using the default "Color LCD" profile and I haven't change anything. When I look at any webpage in Chrome or Safari, all colors appear faded/dull compared to Firefox, where...
  5. P

    How can you calibrate battery on Android?

    Simple question, now before giving comments like "google it!", "there are plenty of guided videos on YouTube", please spare and bare with me! I want a true opinion and pure information from this forum because it's one that really matters to me! So, feel free to give all the information : Apps...