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  1. BlueberryMac

    What MacOS feature did this? Power Nap or something else? A download started at a cafe, completed while my MBA was still closed but once I got home.

    I was at a cafe downtown trying to download a huge file, but the cafe’s connection was too slow (I was only able to download about 20% of it) so eventually I gave up, closed my M1 Macbook Air and went home. Sometime later (after I had arrived back at home) I opened my backpack, and re-opened my...
  2. emraha06

    I have found my mbp running and extremely hot when the lid was closed

    I have finished my works closed the lid and went outside after a few hours when i returned home i found my 16 mpb running with closed lid and was extemely hot. at this point does this situation cause a permanent performance drop due possible hardware damage and does this damage to LCD because...