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  1. C

    Lower Quality Video With "Originals" vs "Converted"/"Automatic" - Bitrate

    When I download to my Windows PC the bitrate is higher and the image quality is noticeably better with the "Automatic" setting selected vs the "Keep Original" setting. The "keep original" version almost looks like it was shot at a higher exposure.... the "Automatic" or "Converted" version is...
  2. B

    Best Video Codec for a retired iBook G4?

    Hello community, what is the best video codec for an iBook G4? My little girl is about to use it to watch Peppa. ? The top priority is battery life (before file size and quality). I tried Xvid with VLC so far, works fine, but I'd be interested in more streamlined solutions if any. Any H.264...
  3. P

    Bluetooth Audio problems - Beats X + Mac OS

    So I bought a pair of Beats X about a week ago, everything was great, setup was really easy. Today both of my Macs have decided that they don't like it when I connect to them (no problems with my iPhone) When I connect to my MacBook Pro, the headphones default to using the SCO codec which...