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  1. R

    Opening, Cleaning, and/or Disinfecting New MacBook in the Age of Corona

    According to the UPS supercomputers, I'll be receiving my new MacBook Air today. Also according to said computers, the MacBook was in China just 36 hours ago and has traveled through Korea, Alaska, and Kentucky before heading to my state/city. I can only assume there is a fair amount of plastic...
  2. A

    All iPads Remotely control an Ipad for people in lockdown.

    My mother is in the hospital which is now locked down and we are unable to get in to see her. We can talk via Facetime but she complains about some applications not working correctly. I'd like to remotely connect and control and view her screen to see what's up with the device (It's an Ipad Mini...
  3. JohnEmmett


    — Alan Watts
  4. Kevin Palser

    iOS App Store submissions & coronavirus - should we expect delays?

    Hi Guys & Gals, Our company is focused delivery service for groceries in the UK (shopping category), which has taken off because of all the isolation coming into force. With it we're also expecting to have to make various refinements over the coming weeks. Hence, more submissions. We're...