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  1. JippaLippa

    Bluetooth Audio Chugs/Crackles when doing intensive operations

    Hello. I'm on a mac mini 2020 M1, and I love it, but I noticed some weird issues with bluetooth audio. I normally use a pair of wireless headphones (using the AAC codec), but I noticed some weird behaviour. Whenever I'm initiating a new complex operation (like opening safari while I'm working...
  2. ferdi2005

    MacBook pro speakers crackle with Google Meet on Safari Big Sur

    Hi, I've got a Macbook Pro 2019 16'' and I use Google Meet with Safari on a daily basis. With Big Sur 11.0.1 (the final release distributed to users), only on Google Meet and only on Safari speakers intermittently crackle, but if I use Google Meet on Google Chrome I don't get any problem. Do you...
  3. MacRumors

    Some 2018 MacBook Pro Owners Experiencing Crackling Speakers

    Following the release of 2018 MacBook Pro models last month, some customers have turned to the MacRumors Forums, Apple Support Communities, Reddit, and YouTube to report intermittent crackling from the built-in speakers. The crackling appears to occur spontaneously during audio playback on...
  4. C

    iMac Audio Issues after Repair

    I don't know a lot about the internals of iMacs, but I had a question... I took my Late 2012 iMac into Apple Store for repair as I had lines on my monitor (not like the ones you can google, like grid lines/guide lines that you'd see in Illustrator/Photoshop and it turned out I had to have the...