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  1. dimme

    Blackblaze first backup to take 166 days???

    I have been using crashplan for 6 years and have about 1.4 TB of data backed up. With the new crashplan service I thought it may be time for something different. Crashplan does not offer restore via a hard drive anymore but backblaze does, also they are a bit cheaper I am trying out backblaze...
  2. themadrhino

    iCloud Storage Plan vs. Crashplan

    My family has 5 different Macs, 6 iPhones, and 3 iPads for 6 family members. I just converted my whole family over to the Family Sharing iCloud Storage Plan of 2 TB since my wife and I both had that and our kids other ones. I was also running Crashplan but can't see the value of paying for...
  3. Gixene


    Hello MacRumors Community, Note: I would post this thread in Mac Apps and Mac App Store, but I feel as if those members here in the Mac Basics and Help would be of more help in this topic. Since I do not have an online backup solution, I began searching. I found a provider called Arq...
  4. TDF

    Backup Archive / CrashPlan / Carbonite?

    Hey all, I am a musician and content creator with years of video, photo and music content. Some of my Photos Libraries are as big as 450GB and I have multiple others that are around 200GB. I am looking to add a cloud based storage incase I do get a lightning strike or power surge or...