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  1. B1llyG

    Series 6 Reboot loop of Death

    I have a series 6 with OS 7.0.1 that is stuck in a continuous bootcycle, completely bricking the watch. Not sure if this issue has been posted elsewhere. I searched the forum and read through a couple of threads but didn’t find this particular issue so assume it’s new or uncommon. It started a...
  2. JedNZ

    All my data - what happens when I die…

    Ok, don't fret - I'm planning on living a long life (at this rate, at least by the time macOS 11.x.x is released (lol). But I've come to thinking about what plans I need to have in place if something happened to me, how my family will carry on without losing my Photos, Videos and everything else...
  3. Sovon Halder

    My AirPods Nearly Killed Me!

    Dafaq just happened! No, I wasn't driving/walking blind while being plugged in. It's 2 in the morning and I was just watching a movie on my MacBook. I don't know what exactly caused this but I was skipping ahead in the movie. And all of a sudden the both the AirPods went into this explosive...
  4. rhett7660

    Tobe Hooper (Poltergeist, Texas Chainsaw) has passed away

    RIP Mr. Hooper, your movies scared the bejesus out of me, never looked at little clowns with long arms the same again!
  5. aaronvan

    R.I.P. Leonard Cohen

    Rest in peace, my man. Your music will live forever.
  6. J

    2013 Macbook air BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH

    Have read plenty of posts but haven't really found a solution. When I push the power button on my 2013 macbook air (unplugged) (recently let the battery died completely) the battery sign comes on to charge the computer. (Recently figured this out today) Once it's plugged in the computer chimes...