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  1. brammmmmlam

    Frustrating problem

    So I just bought a new macbook air. I downloaded google chrome, I had to drag the chrome icon into my applications folder and now there is an 'installer' icon from chrome on my desktop. I wanted to delete this or drag it into antoher folder but it's just impossible. Even when I look with finder...
  2. Apple_Glen_UK

    Removing Email Account from Mail App

    I recently tried using the Mail app for the first time but have decided I’m not keen on it. I have deleted the account by clicking on the ‘-‘ (minus) symbol under the Accounts setting. My question is; will the system automatically delete all the emails off of my Mac or do I need to do it...
  3. Senm94

    There's a problem with my app storage

    Alright then so yersterday I accidently deleted the Facebook app by holding down on the icon and pressing the "x" in the corner. I then went to go into the App Store to redownload it but when I went to Facebook the only thing that wasn't there said "open" about thought I didn't delete the app. I...