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  1. S

    Mac Dictation System Files

    Where are Mac dictation system files located? I need to download a 1.2 gigabit download from Apple that will allow me to use the dictation feature on my Mac offline. But I don't want to connect that Mac to the internet. I have another Mac connected to the internet and would like to use that one...
  2. J

    Change in Call Recording Transcript - Phone Number to "Participant"

    Hello everyone, I've noticed something unusual with my call recordings and thought I'd check in to see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue or knows more about it. All my call recordings used to display the caller's phone number in the transcript, showing something like +555-555-5555...
  3. E

    Dictation shortcut

    Can someone please review my settings here? When I do Left Command key twice, I expect it to start Dictation but it starts Siri. I don't usually use Siri much on my computer but maybe I can change it to Fn key twice but where?
  4. G

    Siri/spell check are a gaping weak link

    Tell me what you think. Here's my rant: For years now, Apple spellcheck has been alternated hilarious and ridiculous outcomes. Combined with Siri though, it is now an embarrassment. Furthermore, it is a weak link in my iPhone workflow because if it worked, my productivity would be so much...
  5. F

    Dictating in a second language

    I have chosen two languages for my keyboard, which are English and French. I've gone into settings and then keyboard. I have two keyboard options for typing in French or English. moreover, when I try to dictate in French, it types English words that might sound like French. when I look at my...
  6. Q

    How delete Dictation Keyboard Shortcut

    Hi, By mistake I create a custom dictation keyboard shortcut. Now I want to restore the dropdown list of the shortcut option on dictation. In other words I want to restore the shortcut dictation dropdown list removing the custom shortcut. Anyone knows how to do it or where that shortcut is...
  7. Iwavvns

    Resolved Superfluous commas in dictation anyone?

    About five years ago I had an iPhone and always used dictation instead of typing things out on the keyboard. Dictation seemed to work pretty well, although there were a few words I had to go back in and correct before sending the text onto its destination. Today I have an iPhone 13 and an iPad...
  8. TarkinDale

    Sonama dictation quirk.

    Hi all, I am using Sonoma for dictation on my M1 MacBook Pro, 16 inch while I recover from wrist surgery. I have noticed a few quirks from its processing, but there is a particular one that is getting to me. I'd love to know if it's just my system, or if it's reproducible by others, and if...
  9. 9Enchiladas

    Problems with predictive text while using Facebook app.

    Ever since the second iOS 17 update the predictive text on Facebook would work incredibly fast, but it would kinda separate the words or push the left over letters to the right. The left over letters as in the ones I didn’t get to type bc predictive text finished it first but didn’t erase the...
  10. DavidInSydney

    Why can’t Siri/dictation hear the word Covid?

    Three years after Covid started, Siri still can’t hear this word. It comes up as covert or covet. Surely these days it’s a commonly used word. I remember reading that they used to monitor conversations to try to improve Siri and dictation, but that stopped a few years ago, because some of the...
  11. B

    Dictation in iOS 16 is driving me crazy…

    Now, much has been written about the “fantastic” new way how you can use dictation and keyboard at the same time in iOS 16. However, one “feature” is making it unusable: I have set up two languages for dictation (English and German). In the old world, it was so easy: Show the English...
  12. J

    Stuck having say "full stop" instead of "period"

    iPhone 8 256GB, iOS 15 (15.6.1) For kicks I switched to UK English. I quickly changed back to US English. But I'm stuck having to say "full stop" instead of "period" when I want dictation to input "." . I have changed to Canadian English followed by a restart (which I had to do manually...
  13. slomojoe

    iPhone XR Can Someone Help Me Understand Voice to Text Software on iOS ?

    I input voice to text on my phone using: Drafts, Office, Evernote for short snippets of dictation and I wonder how this works ? Do they all process via the same voice to speech software engine or do they each use their own ? Is there a particular app that does the best job (Drafts seems the...
  14. mainemini

    Onboard dictation with M1s and Monterey experience?

    Having been frustrated with Dragon Naturally Speaking on Win10 using via VMWare on my Intel Macs, I'm curious if onboard dictation with M1s on Monterey would be more efficient for work. Is it fairly accurate? Can you upload custom dictionaries?
  15. J

    Dragon Dictate (or whatever Nuance calls it) now crashes in macOS 11

    Dragon Dictate WAS working fine on my Apple silicon MacBook Pro, but today (2021-02-24) it crashed. I guess that Nuance has pulled the plug in macOS 11 and later, or the old code couldn't keep up. My new M1 MacBook Pro inherited the final version of Nuance's Dragon dictation app through...
  16. mainemini

    How to edit custom vocabulary for Voice Control (Siri) in Catalina?

    I'd like to add a large number of words used in my work to Voice Control. However, the UI in the Accessibility preference panel only allows entering one word at a time. In Catalina, I believe Voice Control with US English uses Siri's voice recognition. I can't find the dictionary or other...
  17. cyberlocke

    Apple TV Recognizes Pilot's Alphabet

    This may be old news, but I just discovered the other day that you can use the pilot's alphabet when dictating text to the Apple TV. While the device has been pretty good at hearing letter names in the past for me, it's recognition of the pilot alphabet was spot on the first time I used it...
  18. D

    iPhone XS XS speech recognition

    The XS does not perform at all compared to my 6s. It literally has yet to hit 50% on any phrase or series of words for of any attempt thus far. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone have an explanation/fix for this?
  19. N

    Autocorrect in dictation getting worse?

    I’ve been noticing that after I dictate with Siri, the autocorrect consistently changes the text in ways that introduce new errors. One change that is driving me nuts is changing “-“ to “Dash.” Even after correcting it many times, it seems that Siri never learns the correct way. Overall, the...
  20. B

    Dictation is unusable

    When I was using the demo iPhone 8 model in the Apple store, the dictation was very good. It was able to pick up what I was saying with impressive accuracy despite background noise. On the iPhone 8 I purchased, though, dictation is horrible. It can barely understand a word I'm saying even when...