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  1. M

    iPhone Count.kcal: A simple CICO app that displays caloric balance.

    Hey guys, CICO = calories in - calories out I built an app for iPhone that reads your calorie data from your calorie counter app via Apple Health. It then displays your current caloric balance and also an end-of-day-estimation (using 7-day-averages of your burned calories). Macros and body...
  2. Huntn

    Health, Good Practises, and Exercise

    I had a thread regarding dieting (I thought), but can't find it. I was a chunky kid, discovered exercise as a teen, became an avid runner, went 40 years without a weight issue due to regular exercise, but now in my 60s, I'm about 30 lbs overweight. I'm 5'10" @220 lbs. I can no longer run, but...