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  1. Okerew

    Hello I would like to announce a container-like solution for macOS which doesn't require sip to be disabled.

    I’m excited to share a project I’ve been working on called osxiec (osx isolated environment creator). While it’s not a full container solution, osxiec provides a way to isolate processes from the main system on macOS. Here are some key features: * Process isolation using groups and macOS...
  2. anjanesh

    1TB or 2TB for Docker based projects

    My December 2018 15.6-in i7 MBP 16GB RAM + 500GB SSD. That's close to 200GB free after 4 years ! (well ... I offloaded some 100GB of photos from my decade old DSLR which I no longer have, to DropBox) Wondering if I should go for the M2 MBP with 1TB or 2TB considering now I want to use Docker...
  3. E

    Is it possible to speedup Docker using Parallels

    It seems that it's possible to run x86-64 apps in Docker on M1 platforms, but this is using under the hood qemu. qemu seems to be slow. Anyone knows if in theory or practice is possible to run x86 apps in Docker but instead of using qemu, use Parallels?
  4. VitoBotta

    Docker and x86 images

    Is there any alternative to Docker for Desktop that works better when building x86 images? DFD segfaults in some cases depending on the image. I tried Lima too but it has the same problem. As a workaround I am currently using a VPS as remote Docker host. It works well for what I need but I'd...
  5. jagooch

    HW Acceleration for Plex Running Docker Container on Mac Mini?

    I'm migrating my docker Plex server from Ubuntu to my 2018 Mac Mini ( Catalina ) and am stuck on what to do with the /dev/dri device mapping that was required for hardware acceleration to work. Ubuntu has the /dev/dri device, so mapping was easy. But, my Mac Min doesn't have that device. Do I...