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downloaded music

  1. purdnost

    Adjusting Downloaded Music Quality

    Settings > Music > Audio Quality > Downloads Will changing this setting affect already download music, or just my newly downloaded music? Wondering if it’s necessary to re-download after making the setting change.
  2. purdnost

    Apple Music View All Downloaded Songs, Shuffle

    I’m trying to conserve cellular data. If I view downloaded music in the Music app, I can filter by songs, albums, artists, genres, etc. 1. Is viewing the “Songs” section the best way to shuffle all my downloaded music? 2. Why isn’t all of my downloaded music appearing in the “Songs” section? I...
  3. Z

    all the apps ive downloaded

    Is there some way i can see all the apps I've downloaded from the App store?
  4. P

    No iCloud Music Library - so what is Downloaded Music?

    I have a very large music library and I prefer high quality music files (Apple Lossless). Most of my music was purchased on CD and imported as Apple Lossless tracks. I rarely purchase tracks from Apple. I am finally giving Apple Music a try but I have no interest in using the iCloud Music...
  5. J

    apple music downloaded album

    I personal like purchase the albums than have on apple music, i used to have just the 3month trial and i downloaded one album and when my trial ended i just turned off apple music and came back with my purchased songs, so i have the album that i downloaded on apple music and now with ios 10 is...
  6. J

    Music app: Downloaded album

    so since i updated to ios 10, theres just one album that says downloaded and i dont know why because i dont have apple music since like 2 months and all of the another albums doesnt says anything just that album had the downloadede big button that annoys me, anyone knows how to fix that?!
  7. Stuey3D

    Chances of Apple making a Siri modification based on feedback?

    First of all I am a mere mortal NOT Barbra Steisand. Now on that note what are the chances of Apple responding to some feedback regarding Siri behaviour and implementing my suggestion. What I am after is a way for Siri to play ONLY downloaded music when asked. On iOS 9 I could set "Show Only...